Lockdown project - new video about Tokyo trip last year

Yesterday I finished another YouTube video - a personal project, which combined business with pleasure because I learned a few new skills while making it. Last year we went on a family holiday to spend a week in Tokyo. I had only just decided that I wanted to spend more time on photography in the weeks before we went. So, I now knew that I wanted to become a serious photographer, but as I say in the video, that meant I was heading to Tokyo, one of the most photogenic places in the world, with very few photography skills under my belt. Still, since it was a family holiday, I couldn’t spend hours on my shots anyway and I was hugely excited just to be there.

Looking back on previous travels while in lockdown has been a bittersweet experience. I’m so grateful for the trips and holidays I had last year. It really brought it home to me to live life to the maximum because you just don’t know what’s ahead of you.

It was interesting to me to see WHAT I chose to take photos of and to think about the type of photos I want to take when I go back one day. For instance, at that time I thought I wouldn’t like to take photos of people. Yet, when I got home I found that two of my favourite photos were of people and since then over the course of last year I came to realise that I LOVE taking photos of people and there’s not many genres of photography that I don’t like.

The photo I’ve chosen to go with this post is Mount Fuji. It was a hard choice! We visited so many places. Mount Fuji was one of the most memorable but there was also the Ghibli Museum, the Edo-Tokyo Architectural Museum, the tiny bars of the Golden Gai, the buzz of the Shibuya crossing, the neon lights wall to wall and just the thrill of being in a place where everything is new and odd and exciting.

If you’d like to see my week in Tokyo condensed into an 8 minute video of my favourite photos, click on this link to see it. Tokyo Photography - Day and Night

If you’re also still in lockdown, I hope you’re doing ok. It does seem that we’re in the grind of it now after nine weeks and some boredom is inevitable. Keep your chin up! This too will pass!

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