How much I enjoyed taking photos of the ballet dancers!
When I began my photography journey I thought I would most enjoy taking photos of places and that’s how I started my YouTube channel, walking around London and finding great places to photograph. As I’ve gone on my journey though, I’ve always kept a completely open mind and been willing to try anything and everything. After all, I’ve got a lot to learn. I’m so glad I did because I’ve discovered that I absolutely love taking photos of people.
The photos I took the weekend before last of the male and female ballet dancers were just a complete pleasure to work on. They are so beautiful! I don’t know when I’ll be in the situation where I can take more photos of ballet but sometimes, something that seemed unlikely before, just happens to present an opportunity when it’s something you really want. I guess the radar tunes in to those tiny little signals which would otherwise be missed.
Here’s one of my favourites below.