Bringing the outside in! Coronavirus self isolation!

What a strange week it has been! Last Thursday was my last “normal” day. I met a friend, went for coffee and went on to do some filming and take photos in the Kings Cross area afterwards. Coronavirus was the topic of conversation and I was just becoming aware of how much I normally touch my face (and making sure I stopped doing it). The only other difference was that I washed my hands very carefully before eating my cake and although we hugged on meeting, we didn’t when we said goodbye.

One week later and it feels such a different world. There have been reports of a future London lockdown and we’ve been self isolating since last Friday. This was mainly prompted due to concerns from my daughter but at this point now I’m glad we took the steps we did earlier rather than later. It seems really odd to pull away from people in times of crisis rather than get together with them but I think we all have to trust in the evidence from other countries that that’s the right thing to do.

So, apart from 2 trips to the shops (I didn’t stock up and wished I had done even a little bit because we ran out of milk quite soon) and a walk around Greenwich Park, I’ve been indoors completely from Sunday to yesterday (Thursday) when we went for a walk around the communal garden where we live.

We had a food delivery yesterday so we’re stocked up now and we’re being really careful to make sure that absolutely nothing will be wasted. My daughter has been baking with ingredients we’ve got lying around, a marmalade cake and Nutella brownies, but we’re being careful as well not to overeat.

The decision to self isolate was really prompted by my husband having asthma and the thought that if we can keep all of us out of the hospital system that has to be a good thing and we’re doing our bit to ease any pressure we might have put on the NHS.

It won’t be easy! Talk on the news today is of this situation lasting for 6 months to a year. I can’t think about staying indoors for such long timespans so I’m just taking one day at a time.

So my photo today is one that brings the outside in. It’s of a perfect yellow flower taken in Hyde park last October. A memory of a beautiful day out!

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