Day 3 of my 5 day challenge - Fail!

Yesterday evening I found myself in the best spot of the week so far, so all should have been looking good today and I would have hoped to have quite a few good photos to choose from. What could possibly have gone wrong?

Well, the good first of all, was that I found some lovely scenes with beautiful reflections in the water of South Dock. The night was calm and the reflections were sparkling. But, to the bad, I wanted to have my images as blur free as possible so I switched to using my phone as a remote to save me from moving the camera at all. I took most of my photos like this and covered a few areas. I don’t usually check my photos as I go along because I see each one on the screen for a few seconds after I’ve taken it. Last night though, just when I was about to finish up, I thought I wouldn’t wait until I got home and I’d have a quick look back there and then. At first I thought I must be missing something, none of the photos I took remotely were there!

I’ve used my phone as a remote quite a few times and it’s never let me down before. I still have no idea what happened so I’ll have to test it today before I go out.

Still, I’ve found a place I really want to go back to again so that’s a real positive.

The image I’m sharing today is the best of the bunch of the few I had. Hopefully, you can see the potential. The boat makes a really good contrast to the bright lights and rainbow colours (in one spot) of the office windows. I love the combination of black and white vs colour and old vs new.

The perfect version of this is “the one that got away”. For the moment anyway!

Loren x

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