Canary Wharf by Night - and my new L bracket

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Last night I ventured off the Isle of Dogs for the first time in a while! But only to the other side of the river to catch a photo from the outside looking in. The beautiful new Newfoundland Building isn’t lived in yet so it’s a great chance to see it lit up without the indoor lights of the flats. I guess the very few that are on in this image are workers putting in the finishing touches.

It was a really clear night with lots of stars visible so it was a real pleasure to be outside and back in the zone of taking night shots. It was a double pleasure because I finally got a piece of kit which I’ve wanted for a long time - an L bracket. For anyone who’s wondering what the heck that is, it lets me switch my camera from horizontal to vertical mode when it’s on my tripod. I didn’t want to buy one without doing enough research to make sure I was buying something solid and good value and it was worth the wait, I’ve got exactly that. If this is something you’re interested in, let me know and I’ll give you the details.

I took a lot of photos because the lights on this building change colour so it really is spectacular. I’ve picked purple for this blog photo because it looks good with the blue on top of the One Canada Square building. I hadn’t seen it lit in blue before but I had read it was happening, to say thank you to the NHS and carers. They really have had it tough for the past year so I add my heartfelt thanks to everyone else’s. I‘ve captured lots of the other colours as well and it’s a view I want to go back to again so I’ll definitely be sharing more of these in the future.

My other good news of the week is that I’ve now got a sign up form for both my newsletter and this blog on my website. They’re found at the foot of every page on the site. Again, it was the end result of quite a bit of research to find the right email service provider for me. After a lot of angst, I’ve again found ‘the one’ and I’m very happy with how user friendly it is. So it’s been a week with resolutions to two long standing quests.

I’ve been lucky enough to have friends and online buddies who’ve been giving me good advice on my website recently and I’m working on upgrading it right now. It won’t be a big bang, it’s more of a gentle progression. So a big thank you to Tom and Charlie!

If you’re ever browsing my site and see something you want to give me feedback on, please message me. I’m all about improvement!

I hope you’ve had some satisfying things happening in your life this week.

Loren x