VE Day 2020 flypast by the Red Arrows

Just when everything seemed quiet here on the Bank Holiday, the sound of planes had me rushing to the window. I’ve learned to get a camera to hand quickly whenever something out of the ordinary might be happening and in this case it was my phone. I was just in time to see a spectacular flypast by the Red Arrows to mark VE Day and the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. VE Day 2020 will be remembered as the VE Day during coronavirus lockdown. I remember walking down the Mall for previous VE Days and being part of huge crowds. After an initial two shots with my phone I ran and grabbed my camera and took a few more. The second phone photo was the best though and that’s the one I’m sharing now. So many YouTube photographers have said that the best camera for any situation is the one you have with you at that time and that’s proven true. Now, if I was very organised I might scour the news for upcoming events and be prepared but that’s generally not me. I’m more likely to have my head down working on video or photo editing. I hope you’re having a good bank holiday wherever you are and that you also find a little bit of excitement in your day.

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