Head for Heights?

I spoke yesterday about the reach for the sky attitude of the developers on the Isle of Dogs right now and this building demonstrates that perfectly. It’s the Newfoundland Building and it’s planned to be fully residential. I took this shot to capture the workers almost half way up the building and they’re dots in the distance!

The building is in the final stages and is 220 metres (729 feet) and 60 storeys high. On the website they say there are 58 floors of luxury apartments to rent from February 2021. They’ll have wide open views to the city and west London.

In the middle of this second lockdown it’s sometimes hard to see what the future of the financial districts of the City and Canary Wharf will be. Will we ever see the constant stream of suited and booted commuters streaming into the capital every weekday morning again? Commentators say that the traditional ways of working in offices were slowly changing anyway and that the pandemic has catapulted those workers into a new way of living.

I read somewhere that the City is drawing up a new 5 year plan and I’m sure the Canary Wharf Group must be as well. One thing is for sure, London is a strong attraction to me, among many others. So, the way we live in and access London may change but the demand for the bright lights and amenities won’t dim for long.

Back to those workers hanging off the side of this amazing building! Their health and safety checks must take on an importance most of us never have to think of during the whole of our lives. Well done all those who’ve got this kind of head for heights!

Loren x

Workers with a head for heights on the Newfoundland Building, Canary Wharf, Isle of Dogs, London

Workers with a head for heights on the Newfoundland Building, Canary Wharf, Isle of Dogs, London