Day 18 - Isle of Dogs Photography Project

Day 18 of my project saw me on the far upper reaches of my self imposed map for this photography project. It may, in fact, have been a little off the map but since the map is so vague once you get on to the ground it’s hard to tell. Anyway it was a nice little area to explore so it’s made it on there. This is the view of the O2 from Prime Meridian Way which is a walkway following the zero meridian line leading to Greenwich.

This photo shows the markers for the meridian line on the ground, culminating in a circle of coloured tiles and at the crest of the O2 dome you can see quite a few people have climbed right to the top on the external walkway.

The O2 dome shown with people climbing to the top

The O2 dome shown with people climbing to the top

This next wider shot shows the O2 dome with the cross Thames cable car on the far right and one of the Thames clippers speeding by on the river.

View of the O2 dome from across the river Thames on a fine day

View of the O2 dome from across the river Thames on a fine day

Moving on I passed the Ontario Tower at Pan Peninsula and it was the perfect time to try capturing sunbursts. It’s harsh on the eyes to try this so I kept my sunglasses on and just took a few shots. I’m reasonable happy with this since it’s my first conscious attempt at capturing these. It’s another technique I’ll definitely try again!

Sunburst on the edge of the Ontario Tower building at Pan Peninsula

Sunburst on the edge of the Ontario Tower building at Pan Peninsula

Moving on I came to Poplar Dock and Blackwall Basin, both places have a good population of houseboats.

Houseboats in Blackwall Basin, London

Houseboats in Blackwall Basin, London

Although the docks are overlooked by the background of tall Canary Wharf buildings they keep their own character and the contrast is amazing!

Houseboats in Poplar Dock with the buildings of Canary Wharf in the background

Houseboats in Poplar Dock with the buildings of Canary Wharf in the background

There’s also a surprising amount of birdlife in these docks. My best sighting was of two great crested grebes although they weren’t close enough for me to get a good shot. This swan was my best photo of the wildlife. Very serene!

Swan and geese in Blackwall Basin, East London

Swan and geese in Blackwall Basin, East London

Here’s another serene scene from a part of the docks where people can have little boats pulled up right in front of their houses.

Canoe moored outside house in Blackwall Basin, East London

Canoe moored outside house in Blackwall Basin, East London

This was a very interesting walk which included the Prime Meridian Walk I didn’t know about before. I’m constantly finding new places within easy walking distance.

I don’t know when the workers will return to Canary Wharf in any numbers again but these docks would make great lunchtime walks from the offices of the big banks. On the map below you can see how close they are.

Loren Brand photography project - Day 18 - Isle of Dogs, London, UK

Loren Brand photography project - Day 18 - Isle of Dogs, London, UK

It felt like a change to be out taking photos in the sunshine. My favourite times of day are dawn, sunset and night time. I don’t want to restrict myself to any one type of photography though and going out at all times of day and in very different light is the best way to hone your technical photography skills.

I hope that today is a good day for you with your hobby/ craft/ business/ whatever your passion is!

Loren x