A rare snowy day by the Thames in London

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We live close to the Thames and I sometimes wonder if we’ve got a mini coastal climate here. People from the west of London have recently been posting lush photos of thick snow and snowmen and all we’ve seen are a few flurries which kids have hurriedly scraped off the ground or from benches to make tiny snowballs before it melts away before our eyes. Ha ha not today! For the first time in a long while, snow is lying on the rooftops and on the grass. OK it may not be deep but it is enough to make everywhere look wintry and make it a special day. Along with most other places in the UK we’re having a proper winter. I always feel a bit cheated in a winter with no snow!

On my walk today (I couldn’t miss going out in the snow) I saw two separate people with kids and small sledges. It proves you don’t even need a hill for a sledge. Just a willing parent to pull a happy child along. The faster the better!

Through a scant snow shower, this hardy tugboat in my blog photo today chugged upriver and offset the snow covered roofs nicely.

If you’re a fan of real snowy photos, and I am, I absolutely love them, I can recommend two Instagram accounts which I follow. One is usk.com_usk.com_ who posts from Hokkaido in the north of Japan. Their recent photo of a pure white squirrel in deep snow is just wonderful. The other account which guarantees snowy scenes all winter (and quite a long winter at that) is poprosa50 who lives in Russia and has a speciality of deep pure snow scenes set against crisp blue skies. I’ll include links to both of them here so that if you want to have a look you can just click through. Check them out. You won’t be disappointed!



I hope that if you do like snow, you’re able to make the most of it and that if you don’t like it then you’re able to avoid it.

Stay safe either way!

Loren x