Loren Brand

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No Such Thing as Bad Weather..

Yesterday I finished off my blog with a quote I love from Billy Connolly. It inspired me to combine it with a photo to post today. So I managed to find a rainy day image with a dark cloud layer which was the perfect background for the text.

I like it so much I’ve used it already as my own laptop background image. We’ve had so much wet and grizzly weather in October I’m not sure if we should expect any better in November. Even if we don’t, I’m getting my kickass attitude ready to meet it head on and to inspire me to get out there and capture the beauty in all weather conditions.

I’m working on loading some prints to my website and working towards the total of an initial twenty by the end of today. This is one of the images I’ve loaded so far. If you want a preview of the others click here.

As I write this at the window, I’ve just seen a man run after his cap which blew off his head. It’s very blustery and the wind is whistling!

I hope you find some joy in whatever weather comes your way today!

Rainy day London “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes” Billy Connolly quote