Finding beauty through photography

On my daily walks I often pass through a flower garden where lots of roses are still in bloom and I’ve taken to testing my skills on these flowers in their natural environment. The first thing I’ve found is that in the blustery weather we’ve had recently, they move around a lot. The next is that although all flowers look more or less perfect from the distance, very few are blemish free close up. I took some photos over the course of 3 days and the attached one is the most perfect I could find. It’s just beautiful!

What I then discovered though, once I had the photo on my screen, is how beautiful the petals look in larger than life close up. That’s the magic of digital photography! Even more so, it’s the magic of nature! Maybe no-one else but me looked closely at that rose and yet it blooms regardless, a marvel of structure, colour and scent.

I’ve added the close up as today’s blog photo but if you want to see the full version you can click here for my Instagram where I posted both versions. Instagram - Loren's London

I hope you find small (or big) things to give you pleasure this week! Stay safe!

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