Loren Brand

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Autumn colours - catch them quick!

I’ve been admiring a few autumn scenes recently but not taking too many photos. If I want to capture some I’d better be quick! I was admiring a tree in a local park recently and was trying to work out how best to frame it. By the time I came back to it three days later, the leaves had all fallen off! Don’t deliberate where nature’s concerned, is my lesson.

This week has been a rainy, grey one most of the time. Yesterday, we even had a quick squall with lashing rain, hailstones, sudden gusts of wind whipping up the river and thunder and lightning, all in the space of around thirty minutes. So, when I saw the sun shining over some red autumnal trees shining in a rare sunny spell, I took a few quick shots.

I’m writing this as I look out the window on another rainy day. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though, since rain can make autumn colours really pop. I’m sure there’ll be a few more opportunities, I just need to tune in to find them and make the most of them.

As Billy Connolly says “There’s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes!”

Loren x