Loren Brand

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Early morning London when no-one's around

Early morning London has an intimate feel because you’re not sharing the space with crowds of others (especially at the moment when COVID restrictions are in place).

Recently I met two other photographers Nigel Glasgow and Nigel Buckner at 6.30am to take photos of the sunrise near Tower Bridge. Click here to see their websites. Nigel Glasgow and Nigel Buckner (motorsport and automotive photography).

That space is crucial for getting room to set up tripods for very low light photography and at 6.30 that morning it was still quite dark. So, after taking a few shots of Tower Bridge I looked around to see what else was happening within view and caught this shot of the Shard reflecting the blue and pink clouds. I managed to fit in some lavender which was growing on the north bank where we stood. It’s funny how things work out sometimes because I did get one or two solid shots of Tower Bridge but this image kept drawing me back to it and it’s this one I’ve chosen to share first.

I’ve also posted it on my Instagram, click here to view my feed.